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Harley ignition module
[ 1 Answers ]
I have a 2003 harley 1200 sportster. When I ride and the engine gets hot the engine shuts down. It will turn over (and back fires) but will not start. When the engine cools down it will start and run like a new one. I have been told it needs a ignition module, which are pricey. What is your...
I have an older craftsman rider model #917254661 I blew a fuse
[ 6 Answers ]
I blew a fuse in my rider mower model 917254661,when I went to install new fuse it blew right away the key is in the off position scratching my head here
A model DGAD Evcon Furnace blew a 3 amp fuse
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When I put the fuse back, the 120/24 volt transformer sparked and threw the breaker. Would I be safe putting in a new transformer? It had no lights blinking because the breaker blew.
No power to ignition module or PCM ignition fuse, any thoughts
[ 1 Answers ]
It's a 2001, Pontiac, Grand am, v-6 3.4. with the key in the on position there is no power to the ign mod, f/p inj, and pcm ing. so naturally its no start. I'm not sure of the circuit , the wire diagram is a little help, any suggestions? Frustrated
I think I blew a fuse
[ 11 Answers ]
It's been raining here in Nashville for two days. I keep having to let water out of my pool. Yesterday, while letting water out of the pool, some water hit the pool fuse box and my outdoor lighting system turned off. I opened up the little outlet flap on the outside of the fuse box and pressed... View more questions Search