New Member
Aug 9, 2014, 07:09 PM
Skipping the eight grade?
I want to skip eight grade , and go straight into ninth grade . I should be going to ninth grade because when I was in third grade the school asked my parents if they could skip me , but they said no because they didn't want me to feel left out . I've always had straight a's from 2nd grade all the way to seventh. I go to k12 for Arizona . Last year I asked them to skip a grade and they said it was too late in the school year ( it was 2 months before school was over.) When I was in 4th grade I studied 10th grade math , and by 5th grade I was already learning 11-12th grade school material . Since I already knew everything from my grade . Teachers were always telling my parents that I was smart , and should be in a higher grade but my parents always insisted I was better off staying in the same grade . On my aims last year I got an above average on my reading/writing , and average on my math . During the summer I did A lot of studying , and I studied 8th and 9th grade stuff . Maturity wise , I am not going to say I'm really mature . I fit it with high school students , considering all of my friends are in high school . I also don't have any problems making friends . Whenever someone meets me they think I'm 16 because I'm tall and I don't "act or look my age." My parents are fine with the idea of me skipping , because they regret not letting me skip the 3rd grade. So has anyone skipped the 8th grade . Or skipped a grade with k12? How would I go about it , and is it possible? Thank you very much for taking the time to read and answer . (:
Uber Member
Aug 9, 2014, 07:19 PM
Ask your parents to go in with you to speak with your school guidance counselor to explain what you are interested in doing. They can call the school to set an appointment.
Education Expert
Aug 9, 2014, 08:13 PM
I'd have your parents contact the school district office which will be open during the summer. Have them explain the situation and they can review your test scores. I'd be a little concerned about the average score in Math. If school already started, have them speak to the principal or counselor.
Computer Expert and Renaissance Man
Aug 10, 2014, 03:26 AM
Its definitely possible, but its totally up to the school. You need to discuss this with a guidance counselor at your school.
It may be too late now. This should have been done before you finished 7th grade. The guidance counselors may not be available until after the school year starts.
current pert
Aug 10, 2014, 04:01 AM
I was offered the chance to skip a grade (6th, I think, over 50 years ago) and I turned it down because I was already the youngest in my class. I've known people who skipped, including my dad. Some do well, some don't, and it all seems to depend on maturity. You are a bit puzzling in that you have waited until August 10 to start thinking about this (not terribly mature), and as others have said, it's the wrong time to ask the school. But try, and if turned down, find out when they decide such things!
If your high school is grades 9 - 12, then prepare for teasing. Freshmen usually get teased, some schools more than others. Just shrug and smile and try to ignore it, and remain confident in your brains getting you by.
My schools were a double edged sword: so easy that I had a lot of time to read all the books I could get my hands on, a good thing, but so easy that I wasn't well prepared for a top college, and ended up dropping out.
Aug 11, 2014, 01:42 AM
Yes, it is possible depending on the school and the school district. Often they may have you take the year end, national testing for that grade, and sometimes a few other tests, to see if you obtain enough information to do good in the next grade.
To do this, your parents will talk to the school and start the process.
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