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A period movie probably about pirates.
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A boy finds a box in a well. Then brings it to an elder man. He opens the box and there is a blank paper in the box. He knows it's a method to hide secret messages and holds it close to a candle. Then they discovers that it's about a treasure. That's all I remember about the movie. And there were...
An old cartoon about pirates and christmas ?
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Guys, HELP!! Once I had a VCR cassette with old cartoons. One Cartoon was about PIRATES on Christmas. The oldest pirate was without a leg, he had wooden one in place of the real. Lated in that cartoon they sang on the streets and got all the trash from the citizens. PLEASE HELP ME FIND IT!!
Old cartoon about pirates and christamas ?
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Guys, HELP!! Once I had a VCR cassette with old cartoons. One Cartoon was about PIRATES on Christmas. The oldest pirate was without a leg, he had wooden one in place of the real. Lated in that cartoon they sang on the streets and got all the trash from the citizens. PLEASE HELP ME FIND IT!!
Looking for a movie involving Pirates (?)
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Ok I'm going to give the best description of this movie I can, I rented it from albertson's as a young kid in the early 90s. It involved a kid who lived with his powerchair bound grandpa in a foresty area. He went to a school where he was considered a bad student, his teacher had pictures of birds... View more questions Search