New Member
Dec 6, 2007, 08:09 PM
Life is a waste of time
:confused: I just don`t want to be here any more,fed up with working for no reward and living with someone that hates me, what's the point of going on?
New Member
Dec 6, 2007, 09:23 PM
You shouldn't think like that life is a beautiful thing. There is always a better day. Leave everything that makes you sad behind and move on with things that makes you happy.
Dec 6, 2007, 09:39 PM
First it is the only time we have, so ending it, does not ever give us a second chance to make it better.
So you get a new job that you like, and leave the person who hates you.
I guess the question is why are you not taking control of your life and doing something, why do you live with someone who hates you, move out, go to a shelter if no where else, get a freash start.
Senior Member
Dec 6, 2007, 09:47 PM
Don't think like that!
Life is what you make of it, you have nothing but choice in what you do and how life works out for you. A slave can know freedom, a free man can feel trapped, its not about what your situation is that truly defines you, but how you handle whatever situation you are in, that makes you who you truly are, and defines your feelings and emotions.
You can be happy! No matter what is happening! Yes, you have the power to end your life, but you also have the power to rise above adversity, and to change those bad things, and to improve your life and the lives of others. Ending your life will not bring you freedom, because all your choices are made in this life, not the next.
New Member
Dec 6, 2007, 10:14 PM
Don't let little things like that get the best of you. Be better, bigger, and stronger than that. You are in control of your own destiny, whatever circumstances come your way. Things will always get better with some time and a little will; and may I suggest getting a way for a day to think and regroup. Find what's really making you so unhappy because there's probably an underline cause to this.
Uber Member
Dec 7, 2007, 08:45 AM
I got fed up with work and I watched people that actually enjoyed their work vs people who were miserable and only making their boss rich. Since then I swore I would never get caught up in an unrewarding job. I started looking into things I enjoy and how I could make money at it and so forth. I haven't worked a day I hated since 1999.
I do odd jobs, scrap metal, and so forth. I printed up cards with my name, number and website on. I don't make much money because my van is usually broke down and things happen that holds me back but I feel free. You have to come up with a real plan. Don't just up and quit your job cause sometimes I can make a couple hundred in an hour and other times I am only making 5 to 15 an hour and often N0thing.
As far as your relationship you have to consider all your options, what you want and how to go about making a change, whether it is working on the relationship to improve it or getting out---only you know in your heart.
New Member
Dec 9, 2007, 05:40 AM
Feelings of hopelessness coupled with suicidal thoughts need to be addressed immediately. You need to have your depression treated right now. There may be a local mental health facility that could treat you. If you have someone you can trust then confide in them and let them help you get the mental health care you need today. There is treatment and there is hope for how you are feeling
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