Junior Member
Mar 28, 2008, 01:52 PM
I'm not happy
I'm not happy. I'm not depressed, angry, or sad. I used to be a happy go lucky kind of girl. I'd smile and sing in my car. I'd even dance around my livingroom with my daughter or even alone. These days I just sit and watch her. I'm just not happy. I can't remember the last time I laughed. I get headaches a lot.. . Maybe I am depressed. I don't feel depressed, I just want to feel like I used to... I used to be fun! Any suggestions? Anyone ever gone though this? Is this normal? Am I just getting old?
Junior Member
Mar 28, 2008, 02:28 PM
I've been through this, I'm actually going through it right now lol...
I always used to go out with friends and look forward to weekends to go out but now I always want to be at home alone.. Very rarely do I ever go out anymore... I came across what the problem is and with me, It's seasonal depression. During the winter months right after Christmas I feel like this, I just don't find the same fun in doing anything. I would rather sit at home and watch a movie. However, When late spring/ summer arrives, I'm never home... I love being outside, I hang out with my friends all the time I never come home until late, I live at the beach.
Oh yea, and I usually get a lot of headaches when I feel depressed so I'm assuming you have a case of depression. However, mine is just seasonal.. You should go to a doctor and he/she will diagnose which kind of depression you have.
Just keep yourself happy. Do the things that make you smile.. Remember, only you can keep control of your emotions and happiness.
Ultra Member
Mar 28, 2008, 02:35 PM
Sounds like you need something in your life to make things exciting again?
How about making a list of as many things as you can think of that you either haven't done ever, or, in such a long time you don't remember when you last did them, that made you happy or excited. Spend some serious time making this list. As you do, try to think about how it WILL make you feel when you actually do them again.
Then, when the list is done, start making time to do every one of them.
I think we all get that way from time to time, and when I notice myself getting that dull, what's the use feeling, it is usually when I feel like I don't have anything to look forward to. So, when I recognize this feeling, I try to immediately schedule some type of fun activity within the next week, thus giving me something to look forward to. That seems to help a lot.
Good Luck To You.
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Junior Member
Mar 28, 2008, 02:49 PM
Well I think you should think over your mind and clearly descide on if there could be a guy involved making you depressed.. or maybe your not getting out enough. You know what? If I were you I'd go out somewhere nice by myself and think thinks over and treat myself to a treat... you deserve it.
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