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    leoto's Avatar
    leoto Posts: 21, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Feb 8, 2009, 12:06 PM
    Ringing in Ear
    I went to a concert for my University last night and ended up close by the speaker for the most of it, it mainly in the direction of my left ear. I'm 20 by the way, It was pretty loud, and for some performances I plugged that ear just to get rid of the sound. Now, when I got home, I knew that my ears were going to be ringing so I just went to bed. I just got up, and I can still hear noise in my ear, it's not really anything high pitched at all, it's more like when you plug your ears and push in really hard, so I guess it's not really ringing in a sense. Also, there isn't any pain in my ear, it's more annoying then anything else.
    I was wondering if this will go away soon, cause I've never woken up before and to still have that feeling and somewhat of sound in my ear, and I haven't really gone to a concert, probably my first time. So, will this go away and is there anything I can do to help it?
    Thanks for any info!
    leoto's Avatar
    leoto Posts: 21, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Feb 9, 2009, 08:22 AM

    It is now on day two, and the sound is still there. But today it seems to be a bit less then what it was, but the sound is still somewhat there. Myself and two other friends are having the same thing now, and the best way to describe how it sounds is the sound when a TV is turned on.
    Irishgirl's Avatar
    Irishgirl Posts: 129, Reputation: 18
    Junior Member

    Feb 9, 2009, 08:29 AM
    Could be tinattus (think I spelt that right) constant ringing of the ear were in extreme situations its permanent due to loud noises damaging the ear drum. Ipods etc have it on the up, doctor asap

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