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Can't decide
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I've been married for 30 years, have two grown children, one still at home. We're grandparents, but we've never gotten along well. Now it's separate bedrooms and barely any conversation. Neither one of us has anyone else so that's not even an issue. We're together for family and financial reasons -...
Unable to Finalize a DVD-R and therefore unable to view in any other device
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I am unable to finalize my mini dvd-r in my sony handy cam. I have tried everything and it is not finalizing. My question is: Can I transfer the data from my handy cam to another DVD? Or is the data unable to be transferred because it can't be finalized? Thanks!
Unable to decide on career
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Hi, I graduated high school not knowing what to do with my life.. my mother pressured me into going to college so I just decided on choosing crinimal justice. I got sick of school and only went for 2 years and got my associates degree. After that I still didn't know what to do so I got a job as a...
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Hello all. OK so if I finally break down and buy a system which one woukd be best? I like guitar hero and racing games. Grand theft auto but I haven't played it since the first one. I also like the golfing and bowling on wii, only ones I ever did. I guess I would have to give up something no matter...
I can't decide
[ 3 Answers ]
Can anyone suggest how I should pick a major? I'm interested in graphic design, but have not had much access to computers, photography-but no practice, clothing design-but can't afford a fashion school, and psychology- but I have a lot of tattoos would anyone hire me ? Please help I'm so confused. View more questions Search