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Taking multiple medications
[ 1 Answers ]
I have a 14 yr old son (168 lbs) who was prescribed an albuterol sulfate inhaler and zithromax. He is coughing a lot and I'd like to give him some mucinex but not sure if I can
Taking meds
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Is it OK to take pill G 3742 one day and b 555 779 the next. They are both medroxyprogesterone acetate. I know they're from manufacturers but aren't they the same thing? So is it OK if I take one pill one day and the other the next day?
Two daughters who are currently taking several medications
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I have two daughters whom are currently taking several medications for different diagnosis. Megan - Acid Reflux/Gas disorder & Depression Meds: Zantac; Dexilant; Bentil; Levsin; Zoloft; Wellbutrin; Nuvaring; Reglan; Topamax; Naproxen. Brynn - Migraine Headaches & Depression Meds:...
35-40 rbc in urine after taking medications given by a urologist
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First urinalysis: 10-15 rbc second: 30-40 rbc third: 10-15 rbc 4th: 35-40 rbc.. what does that mean? I had taken medicines given by a urologist after my third urinalysis bit when I saw my 4th result.. I still have blood in urine.. what's seems to be the problem?
Specific test for safety switches on riding mower
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Hi: I have a Yard Machine riding mower that has been giving me all sorts of grief and I am now down to having, specifically to test the safety switches. Is there a simple test that Someone could explain in words of one syllable or less? I am not terribly mechanically inclined. Thanks for your... View more questions Search