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Overdosed on excedrin migrain
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I overdosed on excedrin migrain yesterday at about 6:30 am. I took 17 capsules I went to the ER and I was there all day the couldn't get my heart rate down or some kind of blood levels down. They finally did its been about a full day since I have taken them and I can't sleep my heart is racing I'm...
Theraflu and Excedrin complications
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I forgot I drank a hot cup of theraflu night time tea about 1 hour ago, now I just took two excedrine pm. Will there be any side affects, or concerns?
Can you od on Topamax, Excedrin, and Zyrtec?
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Wondering if you can overdose on the 3 put together. And if you can, can you die?
Where can I buy nadinola extra strength cream in uk
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I wanted to buy Nadinola from Amazon UK and it say it can't be shipped to UK from US, I have since been searching but can only find the bleaching one from eBay and I don't believe in buying my cream from eBay stores. *** where can I buy the NADINAOLA extra strength and Retin A in UK safely? Or has...
What are the effects of larger amounts of Excedrin?
[ 1 Answers ]
I have heard that taking over the normal dosage of Ibuprofen results in "loopy" effects. I was wondering if taking over the normal dosage of Excedrin would result in the same? Or if this is even true? I've had a headache and already taken the recommended dosage, but am afraid if I take more I will... View more questions Search