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Multiple negative urine test & a blood test but gaining weight,feeling nausea.
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I'm 22. I have my last period on 28 Jan 2014. My husband & I have been trying from 5 months but I have got multiple negative urine tests & 1 -ve blood test. I'm gaining weight continuously & getting heartburn & frequent urination. Was diagnosed with PCOS 2 years ago but always had regular periods....
Positive test.. then bleeding... then negative urine test.. could I still be pregnant?
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I took a clear blue HPT which was positive.. I have had most symptoms ( swollen sore boobs, feeling sick etc) I started with an aching back then I started to bleed not too heavy it stopped for a day and started again I took another HPT and it was negative... the doctor also did a urine test which...
I'm two weeks late with my period heaps of crampin done blood test and urine test but
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I had 7 drinks I weigh 165lbs 16 hours later received supprise urine test.I drank Detoxify xxtra clean.Will alchahol be detected in urine? View more questions Search