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Is rib broke
[ 2 Answers ]
I am 45 and I fell off my bike yesterday and I feel my chest is bruised, my wife wanted me to ask if it could be that I broke a rib?
Rib out of place
[ 22 Answers ]
Hi everyone, I went to my doctor on Friday and I have chest pains he told me that I could have a rib out of place.I was wondering if any one has had the same problem and if so what would all the symptoms be for a rib out of place?I would guess that if you take a deep breath that it hurt...
Rib pain
[ 1 Answers ]
On my left side I have been having pain in my ribs. It actually feels like it right under my ribs. There is one spot that feels sore. It was a mild pain for about a year and I thought I was just sleeping on my side wrong. It has been getting worse and now on my right side in the same spot as my...
How much prime rib do I need
[ 5 Answers ]
Im having a party and plan on having about 15 people, how do I calculate how much meat (lbs) should I get... or at least is there a way to calculate per person what I need to order? Thanks
Prime Rib
[ 2 Answers ]
There is a reciepe that starts with oven at 500 degrees for 45 min then shuts off oven for 3 hours something like that I have a 12 pound prime ribe to make anyone know? Thanks View more questions Search