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Late Period, Pain in breasts, Cramping, Condom, Pulled out, Sex on period.
[ 10 Answers ]
If someone could help that would be very helpful. Ok, so me and my girlfriend had sex. I am only 16 and she is 15. But when we did I wore a condom and pulled out. She was even on her period when we did it. The condom did not have any visible hole or anything. It has been over a month since and she...
Short period, missed period, unprotected sex, brown discharge am I pregnant?
[ 2 Answers ]
Okay so I'm on the pill and I had my period for about 3 days then took pills for 2 days I was unable to get to the doc and got my period for one more day I had unprotected sex the following day and my boyfriend went inside me I didn't take my pills for the rest of the month me and my boyfriend...
Brownish spotting 2 weeks before period then turned red 5 days before period due
[ 1 Answers ]
Had unprotected sex on 7/15. Took MAP within twelve hours. Expected ovulation on 7/21 but only got brown spotting which lasted 7 days. Now 5 days before period is due, I am experiencing light bleeding... red in color. Could I be pregnant?
I had a D&C March 25th, a regular period the next month. My May period was week late,
[ 1 Answers ]
I had a D&C March 25th, a regular period the next month. My May period was week late, and my June period was only 3 days of light bleeding. I haven't had regualr periods since the birth of my first baby 4/6/09.. whom I breastfeed for 7 months. Anyway my question is I have been so nauseus and just... View more questions Search