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Pain in my hip
[ 1 Answers ]
I recently went to the dr for pain in my hip left all the way down on the outside of myleif I move wrong its painful took x-rays and said degenerative arthritis. And gave me flexerill and meloxicam I don't know if this is right cause it came on suddenly and when I lay down pain is worse
My hip
[ 10 Answers ]
I am 15 years old. 113 pounds and my hip has been hurting for the past three weeks, and I don't know why? Evertime I walk/run it hurts. Also when its in one spot for a long time it make my whole leg fall asleep. I need answers why?? >Merged Threads<
Hip - Hop
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Is Hip Hop the only non - ballroom dance that's fast and funky besides funk?:)
Downsizing my hip
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I think my hip is very big for my body. I am 24 and that's not good for me. How can I downsize my hip?
Pain in Right Hip
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Hi there I am new to this site and I am looking for help. I am currently experiencing pain in my right, and pins and needles. I am also experiencing sensations in my arms and legs. Thank you for any help provided. Kind regards Kim View more questions Search