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What is wrong with my big toe?
[ 1 Answers ]
Hello. I'm a 23 year old girl. I'm in relatively okay shape and don't eat too bad. I don't drink or smoke or do any sort of drugs. I'm not on any medications nor do I take anything over the counter. Now, I was taking off my toe nail polish the other day and I noticed that my big toe nail was...
Left big toe
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My name is Ed, 52 male. About 4 hours ago dropped a dresser, back edge on toe behind nale. It is swelling and getting colorful. I can bend up and down no pain but bumped it and it hurts. Is it broken? Thank you for your help!
My athletes foot is so bad big on my big toe. I can hardly bend it.
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It is so bad that it causes extreme pain when I bend it and when it's just stationary too. I can't step into it. I have to walk on my heel at all times. What should I do? No over the counter meds are working.
Numbness in big toe
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Walked through the cold with no shoes on for about half an hour 2 days ago. Now my big toe is still numb. Should I be worried?
Why does my big toe hurt?
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My big toe hurts! Sometimes my big toe throbs, and really hurts. I broke it like 15 years ago, but I haven't hurt it since. When it hurts, sometimes it makes my whole leg hurt... anyone know why? View more questions Search