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I have constipation
[ 1 Answers ]
My bowels feel like rocks. I have constipation, I get occasional small amounts of thin soft serve stool, I have a pea sized dark lump on my hole, and Its been two days since anything come out.. I'm trying laxatives and Iv'e already been to the ER, they just told me it was some constipation. That...
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My boyfriend hasn't been able to poop nothing in 3 days and is having stomach pain
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I took ampicillin 250mg around 12am but I am constipated and I want to take a laxative is it OK to take it 12hours later?
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What's the easiest way to stop constipation and to create regular bowel movements?. I've been constipated really bad during this week and my tummy now feels sore and hard,any help would be appreciated.. thanks
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Last Thursday I had the pleasure of having the 24hr bug! I was sick and throwing up all day and did not eat much at all. On Friday I woke up a little dehydrated and hungry and tried to eat my normal diet to get my body back to normal. It is now Sun night and I am not eating as much as I normally do... View more questions Search