New Member
Jun 11, 2015, 12:11 AM
Bleeding from mouth followed by headache
Age:27,male,bleeding from mouth for 2-3 days in May last week.x-ray normal,blood report ESR -45.RBC r normocyctic normochromic,PCV:44.1,RBC:5.13,MCV:85,MCH:29,MCHC: 34
currently suffering with headache,chill and fever sometime.pls suggest what could be the reason for bleeding.patient is a worker and from very poor background.what further tests needs to be done and which specialist he needs to refer to.
current pert
Jun 11, 2015, 12:42 AM
What part of the world? X ray of what?
In the US and Europe he might be examined for ulcers or other intestinal conditions that bleed, for a start.
In some countries, parasites could be much more of a problem.
But really, it could be so many things that no one online can diagnose it or even pick a specialty. What does the doctor who examined him say?
Was a stool sample examined for blood?
He isn't literally bleeding from his mouth, is he - bleeding gums and infection there?
New Member
Jun 11, 2015, 02:45 AM
This is from India. Its not bleeding gums but a large amount of blood coming in from the mouth. Don't know the source. X-ray was done for the Chest. He has not shown it to a specialist due to lack of money. He was told due to excessive heat this might have happened. Now there is no bleeding but suffering with headache frequently, sometimes he is getting fever as well. Stool sample is not examined.
current pert
Jun 11, 2015, 11:41 AM
Is he drinking tons of water? Sounds like more than heat stroke, with fever and bleeding, but it can be fatal. Ulcer sounds possible, but he could have internal bleeding from another source. He needs a HOSPITAL with enough doctors to consult each other. If he wants to live, he needs to take time off from work, even if it means losing his job.
Symptoms of Heat Stroke
The hallmark symptom of heat stroke is a core body temperature above 105 degrees Fahrenheit. But fainting may be the first sign.
Other symptoms may include:
Jun 11, 2015, 01:22 PM
Get him to a hospital as this may be serious. He needs a lab to test, and diagnose any samples, and recommend proper treatment, or specialist.
Jun 11, 2015, 05:37 PM
Um guys, if this is India then they are having a death defying heat wave there. People are dying ! So, yes, heat stroke could be a possibility !
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