New Member
Jan 13, 2016, 03:27 PM
My uncle is diagnosed with Glaucoma, help!
My uncle had recently been diagnosed with Glaucoma and his doctor has suggested three kinds of drugs to treat his condition which are: Timoptic XE, Istalol, and Betoptic S. However, these drugs could be risky as he is obese, suffers from diabetes type II, and has a family history of cancer and heart disease. Please help! I'm no doctor here and I'm not sure which drug out of those three would be the best to use. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Jan 13, 2016, 03:36 PM
The doctor left it up to you or your uncle to choose one of the three? Does the doctor know your uncle's medical history?
New Member
Jan 13, 2016, 03:42 PM
 Originally Posted by Wondergirl
The doctor left it up to you or your uncle to choose one of the three? Does the doctor know your uncle's medical history?
Yes, basically the doctor suggested us with the three and we did talk to the doctor about it.
Jan 13, 2016, 03:58 PM
The doctor is the only one qualified to make such a choice and I find it really odd he would leave that choice up to unqualified laymen such as you or your uncle. I would seek a second opinion from a more professional doctor myself.
New Member
Jan 13, 2016, 04:30 PM
Well the only reason I came here for online help is because we are currently unable to seek another doctor at the moment and we don't live close to one. I don't have a drivers license. My uncle does but he can't drive anymore because of his problem he can't see well.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Jan 13, 2016, 04:35 PM
 Originally Posted by kev_888
Well the only reason I came here for online help is because we are currently unable to seek another doctor at the moment and we don't live close to one. I don't have a drivers license. My uncle does but he can't drive anymore because of his problem he can't see well.
Do you have a phone? Call the doctor. Remind him about your uncle's medical situation and ask him to prescribe the best drug for him.
How will you go to the pharmacy?
Pets Expert
Jan 13, 2016, 04:50 PM
There are no doctors on this site, not a single one. Even if there were, without knowing your Uncles medical history, there's no way a doctor could even give an educated guess on which medication would be best.
The doctor that is actually seeing your Uncle would be the best person to make the decision on which medication he should be taking. The fact that he left the decision up to your Uncle, means you need to find a better doctor!
Jan 13, 2016, 08:25 PM
It is the doctors job to decide what is best. Other determining factors are often, which medication is affordable, does health insurance pay for any of them. I have had to change medication for those reasons in the past.
But in the end, the doctor, (at least any I have ever had in America) always told you which they felt was best.
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