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My due date is Dec 3 and based on that my conception date is March 12.
[ 3 Answers ]
My due date is Dec 3 and based on that my conception date is March 12. I had sex on Feb 26 and again on March 12. I need to know which of these dates could be the correct date I got pregnant. I am confused because I had my LMP on March 7 to March 11 which was a light(spotting)period which I am use...
Determining conception date.
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My son was born on 10/26/10 I want to know when he was conceive
Determining conception date
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I want to know the exact day the I came out pregnant my last period was October 16,2010
How accurate is a ultrasound at 32 weeks for the conception date?
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How accurate is a ultrasound for the conception date if they tell me that I'm at least 32 weeks pregnant. When I count back the weeks something doesn't add up because I wasn't with anyone during that time. Just 3 weeks before and a week and a half after.
Ultrasound and conception
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When you go for an ultrasound and they tell you e.g. 18 weeks and 1 day... do you count back from that day 18 weeks and one day? Is the date given here your conception date or do you have to take off two weeks I am getting confused with all this View more questions Search