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Meth and hair test
[ 3 Answers ]
I have been clean for 8Months and I relapsed 2x. All my ua's have been clean. Had to do a hair test and I'm not sure if I will have a positive hair test.
Meth and hair test
[ 2 Answers ]
I smoked on or about dec 29 and had to do a surprise hair test in jan 18. I am not a daily user rather monthly user (maybe 2times a month ). Is there a chance the test would be negative? (20 bag )
Meth drug test
[ 7 Answers ]
If I smoked meth early Friday morning around 4 am and I drug tested Monday at 3 pm should I have been clean
Meth and drug test
[ 1 Answers ]
My mom is a meth user and I know for a fact she was using in nov. dec and pretty sure she is still using. She is supposed to go for a hair follicle test on Monday. Is there a chance her test will come back clean? How long does it take to get the results back? View more questions Search