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Heart rate
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi my name is Pauline and I would like to know if I should be concerned about the chest pain I am feeling. My blood pressure is 120 over 70 and my heart rate is 101. I have had 2 prior heart attacks and would like to know whether I should go to the hospital.
Heart rate
[ 2 Answers ]
My pulse is 86,is that OK
My heart rate's abnormally high while working out
[ 2 Answers ]
I've recently just joined a gym normally I run outside. I've checked my heart rate while running and it's been at 188. I wasn't really tired and didn't feel like I couldn't run anymore I just checked because my face felt really hot. I wasn't really concerned until I said something about it my...
How to exercise if you have a high heart rate?
[ 1 Answers ]
Recently, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. This, in short, speeds up everyday bodily processes, including heart rate and weight loss. Since Christmas, I've lost thirty pounds. Now, I've got loose skin that I'd like to tighten up. The issue is that my heart rate can be over 100 when I'm... View more questions Search