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Hair folicle test
[ 3 Answers ]
I have a hair drug test this week for a job. I smoked a very small amount of marijuana almost two months ago. Do I really have anything to worry about? I see a lot of conflicting answers. Is there anything I can do to be sure?
Hair Folicle Test
[ 3 Answers ]
Hi... a little over 30 days ago, I tried meth. It might have been equivalent to a few lines. I'm not an habitual user, don't use it, just tried it, and haven't used it since. I now am going for a hair folice test for a job application and HR told me they are testing for drug use within the...
Hair Folicle Test
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I was told that taking steam baths or saunas will open your pores and help detoxify your body, because you sweat out all the toxins. Is this true?
Hair folicle test
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Do soma's show up on a hair folicle test?
Hair folicle test
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My fiancé snorted cocaine 1x Dec. 9th 2007 and took a few pills. He has to have a hair folicle test done with his body hair by Jan 26th 2008 will it show in the test? View more questions Search