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I drank a glass of wine 18 hrs before EtG test, chances of passing?
[ 2 Answers ]
I am 34 yo female, thin(5'3, 98 lbs). I drank a glass of wine about 9 pm last night and had a preemployment alcohol screen at 4 pm today. I drank plenty of fluids, and my test sample was pretty clear as they let me drink a glass of water. What are my chances of passing? High, low?
I drank 1 16 oz beer 2 days ago(48 hrs) can I pass my EtG
[ 0 Answers ]
I'm a male 5'7" about 135 lbs and I had a single 16 oz beer about 48 hors ago is there no chance of passing my EtG today
2 small glasses of wine 60 hrs before ETG
[ 4 Answers ]
I had 1.5 to 2 glasss of wine 60 hours before my ETG. I'm so freaked out! Will I pass? View more questions Search