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If I drank 2 beers tonight how long before its out of my system for an EtG?
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I test randomly and knew better than to have any at all but the damage is done and I'm curious for clarity. Thank you
Does the saliva swab ETG alcohol test show back to 80 hours like the Urine ETG test ?
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I heard when it's the oral swab it only tests back 12 to 24 hours for alcohol anyone know?
If I drank 11 beers tonight (saturday) and have a ETG test wednsday is it positive?
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ETG testing
90's R&B song titled Tonight, tonight or Tonight.
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I am looking for a song by a group from the 90's. It has a nice slow beat. I only remember a few lyrics. I heard it on my R&b channel on my satellite but I caught the end of it. View more questions Search