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Drank 1 beer can I pass an EtG test in 24 hours
[ 3 Answers ]
I have to test before 5 please someone respond! I'm freaking out
EtG test 65 hours after drinking 2 24oz beer and half 12oz beer..
[ 14 Answers ]
Hello, Dr bill and everyone. I had 2 24 oz beers and half of a 12 oz bottle of beer on a Friday night I basicily drank them over a period of 8:30pm-11pm I was called in for a random EtG test at 3:30pm the following Monday, it was 65 hrs after I had my last drink. I didn't do anything to flush or...
32oz Icehouse Beer 12 hours before ETG test
[ 8 Answers ]
I haven't drank in months but had 2 16 oz Icehouse beers ending at 10pm. I had an ETG test done at 10am the next morning. Will the test come back positive? Will the level be high?
1 beer/18 hours later urine ETG test... Will I pass
[ 1 Answers ]
I had 1 beer(7%) at midnight and had a urine test at 5:45 the next day(roughly 18 hours). Do you think I passed the ETG test? I definitely made a mistake, and I'm paying for it by all the worrying I've been doing the last few days. Im a healthy 25 year old male, 175 pounds, 5'10. I urinated 4-6...
Will I pass an ETG test after drinking one beer
[ 7 Answers ]
I drank one beer at 8PM with dinner and thereafter started flushing my system with water after I knew I messed up. I got up and went to the gym for 2 hours. Drank liter after liter of water and green tea. I took vitamin B and C and creatine (sp) to hopefully combat the diluted urine. I pissed... View more questions Search