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Are YOU an organ donor?
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I was watching a program on Discovery Health (or something similar) the other day that was discussing the benefits of stem cells for aiding in repairing injuries and advancing the medical field. It got me thinking about how, with stem cell advancement, we could grow organs in a lab, and not have...
Organ choir church music
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I don't know where to find calm quiet organ music, like church music, or choir hymns. The perfect example is Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus K 618. Please help if you know of any good albums or locations to find MP3, etc.
Bible stance on organ donation
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What does the Bible say that may pertain to modern-day blood and organ donation? Is there any guidelines/rules as to what to do with a body after death? Is embalming wrong?
Led Zeppelin's In the light (Organ intro version) Can't find it
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I heard this version of in the light that sounds better then the one I have on cd. It started with an organ intro and had this 60's sound to it but I can't find it anywhere. View more questions Search