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Severe Pain on outside of left foot for 3 months!
[ 4 Answers ]
:( I have had a severe pain in my left foot for about 3 months. It's most painful on the outside of the left foot about 2/4 way down in a vertical direction. The pain has gradually gotten worse. I've seen several different specialist about the problem and had a handful of x-rays taken which appear...
Is there a connection between back pain and right foot pain
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For past few days I had middle back pain after a feeling of some muscle contraction. But I started feeling better, but today I am feeling pain in right foot on outer side. It feels like I am straining while walking.
Severe pain in foot
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3 weeks ago the (side and up) of the left arch had a burning sensation. Today it is severe.(Burning sensation and pain). The area also appears swollen. It is getting very difficult to walk on it. Any ideas ?
Severe Foot Pain
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I have severe pain on the outside of my left foot.. . I'am in severe pain, its hard to put weight on it and I'm walking with a limp. Every time I lift my foot to take a step I scream in pain. The only time I'm not in severe pain is when my foot is up or sitting down. Is it possible I could have... View more questions Search