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    paxflower's Avatar
    paxflower Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Feb 1, 2011, 09:13 PM
    First itching, then burning and severe pain, now mild pain with white bumps. Help
    About a week ago my vagina started itching. I figured it was thrush or something. I took vagisil cream and the itching stopped, but the very next morning it was so painful I couldn't stand, sit, walk or anything. My right vagina lip is swollen with a bump on it. It's very dry. I read this could be bartholin's abcess and might go away on it's on in another 2 days. But to help with pain and burning and itching, I took monistat (both inserted medicine and cream). It brought the pain down drastically, but it still hurts and itches a little. I noticed, and am not entirely sure if they've been there the whole time, little white bumps on the inside of the vagina lips. There is one on the outside too. Somebody please help me. I don't have insurance for a doctor or hospital or the money for an emergency room or a prescription.
    robinad's Avatar
    robinad Posts: 86, Reputation: 8
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    Feb 1, 2011, 09:22 PM
    It sounds like it could possibly be a STD. I would go to a gyn as quickly as you can manage an appointment.
    paxflower's Avatar
    paxflower Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 2, 2011, 08:08 AM
    Thanks for the advice. I thought it could be too at first, but then it just threw me off how the symptoms just started going away with medicine and new ones would come in. The itching has almost completely gone. The swelling and pain are both down a considerable amount. It's still a little hard and dry though. Which is common for bartholin's absess and cyst. I think I read it blocks the glands that actually make you wet. It's hard for me to see any doctor though without insurance. But hopefully it will work out on its own in the next few days.
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    paxflower Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 2, 2011, 08:09 AM
    Also. The only other reason I dismissed the thought of an STD is because I had never had one and I have been with the same person for about 8 months now. He hasn't been with anyone else other than me and he is also STD free.
    robinad's Avatar
    robinad Posts: 86, Reputation: 8
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    Feb 2, 2011, 10:57 PM
    I would go to the health department. It shouldn't cost you very much to be seen by one of their nurses. It could be the cyst you mentioned, but I'd get it doubled checked. You could use it as your yearly pap. Most states have a free yearly pap smear through the health department.

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