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Symbolic meaning of the numbers 222 and 444 and 1313
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I keep seeing the numbers 222 lately. For example, I would look at the clock and it would be 222, and then a few days later, the same thing would happen. Before that I kept noticing 444 and previous to that the number 1313 kept showing up around me. Does anyone know the symbolic meaning of these...
Do androids dream of electric sheep - Philip.K. Di(k - Chapter Five - Logic Question?
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While reading chapter 5, I stumbled across a question regarding the logic of the content. I'm still in the process of reading the book, so it might clear up itself - but I'm not sure it will. I wonder: The corporation that produces the Nexus - 6 androids tries to trick Rick Deckard into thinking...
Question from a christian friend and I want a logic answer for him
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Knowing when dreams are symbolic or literal
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I was wondering how to tell when to take a dream literally and when to take it symbolically Or when it means both, Like the other night I dreamed that I was on a journey and I saw the exact mountains in the picture below, I was excited but upset saying to my son that I couldn't get to them...
Symbolic of all our moods or personalities
[ 2 Answers ]
I had seen a picture possibly watercolor that was of a person holding probably 10 to 12 heads in their arms. My take on the picture was of all the different personalities or moods that we hold within ourselves. Can anyone give me a lead on the title or artist? Thanks View more questions Search