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    mekha1987's Avatar
    mekha1987 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 7, 2009, 02:36 AM
    Perimeter of triangle
    What is the perimeter of an isosceles triangle
    Capuchin's Avatar
    Capuchin Posts: 5,255, Reputation: 656
    Uber Member

    Jul 7, 2009, 03:05 AM

    Depends on the size and shape of it! :)
    Perito's Avatar
    Perito Posts: 3,139, Reputation: 150
    Ultra Member

    Jul 7, 2009, 04:00 AM

    You can obviously have large triangles and small triangles. The perimeter will definitely change.

    You can figure out the perimeter based on the height of the triangle and the dimension of the base. An isosceles triangle has two legs of the same length. If you construct a line from the base of the triangle (the unequal leg) to the apex of the triangle, you form two right triangles. Let's say that the height of the triangle is h. The base is b. Therefore, each right triangle has two legs of length h and b/2. The length of the two equal legs is then

    The length of the base is

    The total perimeter of the triangle is, therefore

    You can figure out what to do with this or how to simplify it, if possible.

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