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Math Riddle
[ 1 Answers ]
Jemma needs to journey to Bukhara for the Festival of Shom. To get there in time, she needs to travel 40 miles each day. When she reaches the halfway point, the Oasis of Qoof, she realizes she has only been traveling 20 miles per day. How fast does she need to travel for the rest of her journey in...
Math riddle
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There are 7 girls on a bus Each girl has 7 backpacks Each backpack contains 7 large cats For each large cat there are 7 little cats How many legs are on the bus. There is no bus driver.. the answer is a number
Math riddle
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What is the smallest counting number that is divisible by the first ten composite numbers?:eek:
A math riddle
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I am a number who is greater than 40 and less than 90. I am proud to be a prime number. My ones digit is also a prime number and so is my tens digit. If you subtract my ones digit form my tens digit, the answer is not 2. What number am I?:eek:
Math Riddle
[ 1 Answers ]
I need help with the following riddle. I am thinking of a number between 1 and 25,000. It is a even number. The digit in the ones place is 4. The digit in the thousands place is odd. The digit in the ten thousands place is the only even prime number. If I multiply the digit in the tens... View more questions Search