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Age and approximate value of sewing machine
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I have a Montgomery Ward rough surface dark brown electric sewing machine in a cabinet with a knee depresser. When plugged in the motor makes a humming sound, the cord is frayed, nothing moves. I plan to get a new motor with cord and have the machine serviced and restored to running condition. ...
Today's approximate value
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I have recently received a ROVATKAY painting 0f what the painter perceived what MOSES looked liked It came with a written appraisal dated January 1969 of $375.00 The original oil is a large painting of a man with a long beard an a lot of hair. It is in a large frame. Which is in good condition. I...
Approximate EtG times
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Just curious as to what the average time it takes for EtG to get out of your body is? I have heard many different time lengths and am just curious as to what the consensus is. Thanks
What is the approximate value for this print?
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What is the approximate value for a print of Route en Automne - France by Marie Tginday? The print is approximately 24" X 24", in excellent condition, professionally mounted, and framed. The name of the print, the circle indicating it's a print, and the painters signature are all clearly seen. ... View more questions Search