New Member
Mar 9, 2016, 01:18 AM
Answer My Word Problem Free
Radius of hut (r) = 214cm
Height of hut wall (H1) = 2.1m
Height of roof (H) = 2.2m
Height of door = 1.84m
Width of door = 820mm
Size of each Window =
60cm 400mm
The hut has 3 windows.
Ball on the floor
Diameter of ball is 25cm
1.1. Calculate the following in square meters:
(a) floor area (b) wall area (c) roof area (d) door area (e) area covered by all three windows (f) total hut area excluding the windows and door areas. [12 marks]
1.2. Calculate the following in cubic centimeters:
(a) volume covered by the wall cylinder (b) volume of the roof cone (c) volume of the hut (d) volume of the spherical ball on the floor . [8 marks]
1.3. Calculate the following ratios:
(a) Ratio of roof height to wall height (b) Ratio of door height to wall height (c) ratio of window length to window width (d) ratio of floor diameter to roof height [8 marks]
1.4. Calculate the following and express in percentage terms:
(a) Ratio of floor area to wall area (b) Ratio roof area to wall area (c) Ratio of window area to door area (d) Ratio of ball volume to hut volume [8 marks]
1.5. Suppose that the radius of the hut is increased by 10% and the height of the roof is increased by 5%. Calculate the following:
(a) Percentage increase in the area of the wall (b) Percentage increase in the area of the roof
(c) Percentage increase in the volume of the hut (d) Percentage decrease in the proportion of the volume taken by the ball in the hut. [16 marks]
Ultra Member
Mar 9, 2016, 02:31 AM
Welcome to AMHD. The users here will not complete your assignment for you, but will offer help where you are stuck, check over your work, and point you in the right direction if you have a concept error. All of those require you to show your work though. If you'd share what you've done so far, you'll be able to get some help.
Uber Member
Mar 9, 2016, 12:57 PM
You have the radius and since the hut is a cylinder, should be able to find the area. You have the wall height, therefore the volume. You also have the circumference and height of the wall, therefore you can figure wall area. Start doing those, post your answers and then come back.
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