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Boss will not pay me for hours worked
[ 5 Answers ]
On Tuesday I was told to come to work earlier for my boss because she needed me, I worked 2 hours then she told me she didn't want me to come today early but the next day. But I already clocked in and worked those hours , she said she will not pay me for my misunderstanding her. Is that legal in...
Hours worked and salary
[ 3 Answers ]
I have recently been asked to work more hours due to the loss of other employees. My job consists of many miles of driving between facilities however drive time is not always included. My contract did state that I will be paid a certain amount averaging 40 hours a week. A year and a half later...
Pay Stubs / Hours worked
[ 6 Answers ]
My son works for a small class C corporation in Virginia. For the past three years all he receives is his weekly paycheck no stub giving the deductions held back by the employer. In fact he was told that because the company is so small they are not required to give pay stubs. My understanding...
Salary v.s. Hours worked
[ 2 Answers ]
If you work for a company making 35K salary, are there any limits to the amount of hours that you can be demanded to work? In specific, this company is requiring me to work 11-16 hours a day and possibly working weekends as well. There is no compensation for over-time as the pay is set at a... View more questions Search