New Member
Nov 16, 2011, 02:55 PM
Spells questions answers?
I have been married for 21 years with the last 2 1/2 years being separated in the sense that he and I sleep together but he give me no help financially. The place I rent is mine and his name is on nothing. He has even cheated on me several times. He is emotionally and mentally abusive. We have tried to work things out but it has not worked. Recently I have decided internally that I want to divorce him. All of a sudden he has had a change of heart. He is now in love with me and wants our marriage. I am a coward because a pyschic told me that I am on an emotional roller coaster and I should wait 4-6 months before making a decision to end my marriage. I just don't think I can get over all the pain that has been in the marriage although we have had some great times together and share 2 beautiful kids. Anyone know of a spell that convince him we need to end our marriage and yet still be friends. I have no issues in helping him or being a part of his life - just not as his wife. I want us to be free to move on and be happy and find other love.
Nov 16, 2011, 03:01 PM
There are NO spells that will act against a persons will.
In fact the jury is out that magic and spells even exist.
Sounds to me you BOTH need marriage guidance/counselling.
New Member
Nov 17, 2011, 08:28 AM
Well We BOTH tried that and NO it didn't work. And why would I need counseling? I have done nothing wrong except give him several opportunities to fix his issues. Maybe you shouldn't judge people until you have walked in their shoes.
Nov 17, 2011, 08:32 AM
I wasn't judging anyone, merely pointing out that magic is NOT the panacea you think it is and a more "down to earth" approach is a better idea.
Of course if neither of you really want to try and make this work, then you know what the final outcome is.
Paranormal and Spiritual Interests
Nov 19, 2011, 09:12 AM
Have you asked him about his sudden change of heart? Perhaps with that change to desire to stay married, a change will also come in the way he treats you?
I do believe in magic and in spells... but I too have doubts that a spell can FORCE someone to do something. We have a will and if his is strong enough, there is the possibility a spell wouldn't work on him.
Have you dealt in the occult before... this seems to be something you are ready to jump right in to?
Marriage does take two to work with, and it simply will be a disaster if both parties are not on board. Do you two actually TALK about these issues with each other?
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