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    roni_r532's Avatar
    roni_r532 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 5, 2012, 10:31 PM
    A spell to forget
    How do I make my family forget a certain day with out them forgeting me or anyone else just what happened during that certain day please help me!
    JoeyDoeyHoeyBro's Avatar
    JoeyDoeyHoeyBro Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 5, 2012, 11:05 PM
    Roni, as long as YOU yourself, believe, that the people you'd like to forget, are forgetting, well then, the "spell" as you call it, is already coming true. A "witch" can manipulate their world through the power of their minds. I want you to open your mind to what I'm saying, and realize, that life, is controlled, by your mind. The people around you, are controlled by your mind. Until you hear them say what they think and feel, then whatever YOU believe they think/feel, is essentially true, to your own mind. Your mind, creates your life, as if it were the director of your very life. If you believe something to be true, it is in-fact true to your mind, to you, and to your life roni. THAT, in and of itself, is the essence of a spell, or manipulation of life, through the human mind, and through human thought. :) I hope I helped, at least a little bit. Thank you for opening your mind to what I had to say on this topic. Have a good day, and believe.

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