New Member
Jan 29, 2009, 02:53 PM
Should I play the ouija board?
Well after all that I've read about them i don't know if I should. Me and my friend were watching thirteen when the movie was over we started talking about ouija boards. When we stood up my friend noticed one in the corner! I was thinking about playing it, but first off don't know where to play it and don't know how to close it. Can someone give me their opinion on if i should play it or not and how to set it up and close it?:confused:
Full Member
Jan 30, 2009, 12:19 PM
One of my Native American friends says, "If you play with the Medicine, someone will die."
That's pretty ominous, but one of the things I like about the Native way is the radical honesty. Things of the Spirit are real, and powerful. Do them with honor and in genuine need, or do not do them at all.
I've put in my two cents on ouija boards plenty of times before on AMHD, so this time I'll just post general instructions for doing psychic work to contact spirits, no matter what tool you might use to do it:
First, create sacred space. Use your own imagination/intuition and do what feels right for you, but here are some basic techniques used all over the world to create a safe and powerful container for this kind of work:
Light a candle (one that has meaning to you).
Fill a bowl with pure water (ditto).
Call to the guardians of each of the four directions (different traditions start facing different ways, some go clockwise and some counterclockwise) while ringing a bell or beating a drum or some such. Call additional directions as feels right, above, below, within.
Then do the work. First, set a very clear intention, for example: I wish to contact a spirit in its highest form, that is very wise and good and will be a teacher and guide for me, as God/Spirit (however you identify the Divine) wills it, in the highest good of all.
Hold that intention in your mind throughout!! Doesn't hurt to write it down.
When done, close sacred space by thanking all spirits who came to your call, thanking the guardians of the directions. After saying thank you, I say, "Go if you must, stay if you will."
If you really feel compelled to reach out using ouija or any other tool, do it like that.
New Member
Feb 2, 2009, 08:20 PM
It depends on what you believe. I believe ouiji boards to be bad news. If you do one never take your finger off the glass till you've closed the door to the other world as it leaves it open and anything can come through. I know many people who have had experiences with boards and I myself, it isn't always pleasant so make sure your not easily freaked out as it more often than not is not a happy experience. If you want to contact the other world your far better doing what Alder suggested. Learn to meditate and call them that way, If your going to be susceptible then they will come.
Uber Member
Feb 3, 2009, 12:51 AM
Hi, xiimee!
The subject of using a Ouija board has been discussed extensively on this site. You might also want to read some of the information that's contained on threads that you'll find by clicking on links that are on the bottom of this page and also find many other threads about the subject by putting the two words Ouija board into the search function at the top of this page.
Full Member
Mar 21, 2009, 07:21 AM
If you play with the Ouija Board that's exactly what you'll be doing... PLAYING. It's a game, like chess or checkers or Clue or Life or any other board game. If you really want to summon spirits then buy a book on the subject or find a teacher in your area to show you how.
New Member
Jul 15, 2009, 12:02 PM
Well... I have played the Ouija board with a friend... There is a possibility you can get in touch with a good ghost. I met a 14 year old girl that lived in my house ever since the 1300's... And I met her father who is 37.. It turns out They said there is bad ghosts inside the house and I have 15... If you ask me I would say If your willing to take a risk go for it, if not just leave it alone!
New Member
Oct 16, 2009, 03:03 PM
NO... Whether you believe your contacting ghost or whatever you may end up doing something that is going to affect you adversely due to some lingering paranoia or something... iv'e played one once.. I won't tell you how because you can find out via Google lol . But I have quite a religious grandmother who upon hearing that I messed with it ran immediately and got the priest to re bless the house I was so embarrassed but the priest was so angry I didn't know what to do :( never again and you hear all these horror stories about people who mess with them and then funny things start to happen in their homes and stuff its kind of scary lol
New Member
Feb 21, 2012, 06:05 PM
That is black magic. Don't do it.
Paranormal and Spiritual Interests
Feb 27, 2012, 03:17 PM
Rachelbabie - so you live in a house that is over 700 years old? Think about that one...
xiimee - whether you think you should really depends on your beliefs. If you are a Christian, the bible speaks very plainly against that activity. The reality of it is this... whether you believe something or not has no effect on it's actual reality. What I am saying is this... you can believe it is just a game... but that doesn't mean nothing is going to happen to you. Don't play with what you don't understand.
Junior Member
Aug 3, 2012, 06:45 AM
Do not even think about playing with a ouija board. It is dangerous black magic. It is not a game. You will summon spirits and probably evil ones.
New Member
Aug 15, 2012, 02:07 AM
Oh this is really a very doubtful question. To tell the truth, I am a bit scared to play it, as it's connected with mystery and spiritual life. I'd rather play some other simple board games, like scrabble or checkers. BTW I play checkers here Checkers. Game for you brains!
Well, but tastes differ. It's all up to you, man.
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