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Dynamo in space
[ 1 Answers ]
I have heard that if you throw a knife in space, it will go-on forever unless it succumbs to gravity somewhere. What if I got a dynamo spinning in space. Would it turn forever? Could the dynamo produce endless energy? (By dynamo I mean magnet spinning inside a coil of wire.) Thanks
How to increase dynamo amperes?
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If we use a 12 volt DC motor as dynamo, and if this 12 volt DC motor produces 5 volt at normal whirl, then how can we increase volts at normal whirl? mean which electrical component / device is required to increase current or amperes?
Magician's stuff
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I am a great fan and admirer of magic stuff Can anyone provide me with cool expert magic tricks as I know the simple tricks Something like levitation and other tricks etc Something... anything... magic
Power Generation Using Car Dynamo
[ 2 Answers ]
Is There any way or somebody try to generate power from car dynamo connected to ac induction motor connected to 220 volts transferred from car battery that is charged from dynamo electricity , and what special hardware is needed to have self power generation Thank you View more questions Search