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How to come out of black magic?
[ 5 Answers ]
I got married in the month of may 2010 but now we both are staying in different places Before leaving me she was loving me lot but now she hate me very much more than enemy I came to know that behind our problem there is a black magic has been done. Kindly suggest me how to come out of black...
How to get out of black magic?
[ 1 Answers ]
I'm in love with a boy since 3 1/2 years. He loves me very much even I do. Since 6 months we are facing problem. He is facing some financial problem and his family members have thought that I'm the reason for that and they are not allowing him to talk to me. I don't have any idea were he is. ...
How to know if this is black magic?
[ 6 Answers ]
He why guys. I had an affair of 5 years with my boyfriend... I was told by close friend of his he is trying some black magic on me... so that I should always remember him and he created mental block on my mind... can this be true... because when my parents came to know that he is worth... View more questions Search