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Forget spells
[ 6 Answers ]
Is there a forget spell that can be used for anything?
Movie about vet eating people
[ 1 Answers ]
I am trying to find out the title of a movie that was on HBO in the mid to late 70's. It was about a war veteran who kills people and eats them or cooks them or something. All I remember was he took them to a shack and killed them and I think it was near a beach. Thanks
A older man that makes a michine in his basements that he feeds people too
[ 1 Answers ]
I thinks is horor , He lets people in then he takes then down to basement and he feeds then to this machine that he made and he's possed by and his dather comes by and she finds out what going on , as welll after feeding to this machine he takes there blood and puts it in a bowl to eat like soup....
Dizzy Spells
[ 2 Answers ]
:) Hey there! I have been having dizzy spells which sometimes can result in me passing out, callapsing randomly, fast breathing, or stop breathing for up to 20 seconds. I am currently seeing dr.'s about my condition. Only thing is, I have had this for about 6 months now, coming close to 7...
# of people allowed to live in a 2bedroom apartment
[ 6 Answers ]
My neighbors upstairs have 2adults and 3 kids(one is a 1year old). I remember when I signed our lease there was another paper that read something like. In a 2bedroom apartment they only allowed 2 adults 2kids and a baby under 6months. I live in Texas so I wanted to know if that is a law here or... View more questions Search