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    lifeisweird's Avatar
    lifeisweird Posts: 9, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 6, 2011, 06:02 PM
    Do people believe in spells?
    Do people believe in the fact that they can change something with just words or motions? And if this is ever possible can it be learned or is it like the movies and has to be hereditary?
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Apr 6, 2011, 06:05 PM

    Do some people believe it ? Yes,
    Is it real, no
    It only really effects those that believe it can effect them.
    hauntinghelper's Avatar
    hauntinghelper Posts: 2,854, Reputation: 290
    Paranormal and Spiritual Interests

    Apr 17, 2011, 05:15 PM
    First of all is anything like the movies? NO, it is not. There is rarely full truth in anything Hollywood puts out.

    Do people believe in spells/magic... yes Hundreds of thousands believe this, if not more... probably millions.

    Before you "learn" it, I suggest you study the power that is really behind it. It's not a question of it's reality, it's a question of it's source.
    hheath541's Avatar
    hheath541 Posts: 2,762, Reputation: 584

    Apr 17, 2011, 06:00 PM

    Of course people believe in spells.

    Do they work? It all depends on what you consider a spell, what the goal is, if you believe it will work, and who knows what else.

    Are spells anything like the movies who them? no. there are no flashing lights and gusts of wind and spectacular special effects. That's all hollywood movie magic and fiction.

    If you want to use spells to summon a ball of fire or teleport or levitate or turn someone's hair green or raise the dead, then you're going to be SERIOUSLY disappointed. That only happens in movies, and has no bearing in real life.

    Can you learn spells? Yes. The hard part is sifting through all the information out there and figuring out what is realistic and what's not.

    If you are truly interested in learning how to do spells, then you need to learn a LOT more than just a few words and moves. You need to study anything and everything on any related subject you can think of.

    In order to expect ANYTHING to work when you do it, you need to know WHY and HOW it works. You wouldn't try to wire a house with no electrical knowledge. You don't expect to compose a song with no knowledge of music. You don't expect to fix a car without mechanical knowledge. This is no different.

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