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    CrownedKing106's Avatar
    CrownedKing106 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 3, 2013, 07:43 AM
    Ask a Movie Expert
    This movie had knights and magic. There were two sets of nights and also two sets of mages. There were regular knight and a advance type knights that fought against dark mages. There was a knight who had a mentor that got killed and the advanced knights made it look like his apprentice did it. The mentor went to go meet someone in the woods where he died and his apprentice tried to save him. The apprentice had to run and he met up with the person his mentor was meeting with and he was a mage. The apprentice had to find is way back to the castle to clear is name and mentor name to the queen or sometin. The advanced knights was planning to over throw the queen so that one of her desciples can rule or sometin like that in the end the knight had to fight off some gigantic beast with the help of mages

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