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Power surge on hub port
[ 0 Answers ]
I keep getting this pop up message thing that is saying there is a power surge on hub port. When I bought the laptop used, the buddy said the USB ports didn't work, and I have never tried using them. So, there is nothing in the USB ports, why is it doing this and how can I fix it?
Power Surge
[ 0 Answers ]
After a power surge ac stop knock the breakers off, put all switches back on but system will not run out side or inside Carrier system.Help
Power surge protectors for RV's
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What is the best option for a surge protector for a RV that requires 50 Amp service? How many joules is enough protection?
Power surge in kitchen
[ 3 Answers ]
I just moved into a home and I am noticing my 6 recessed kitchen lights surge every 10 seconds. Not to drastic by just enough to bother me. I now am also noticing my bathroom lights off the kitchen beginning to surge. Thanks Shawn
TV power surge
[ 2 Answers ]
:eek: We had a wiring mishap... and our TV was connected to a 240 volt circuit. The resulting power surge seems to have fried the TV as it will not turn on... The receiver blew smoke out, but the VCR still works... Is there any help for the TV (internal fuse,reset?)? All 3 were connected. Thanks View more questions Search