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Help about satellite pro 4600
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? anyone knows how to configure the unit so I can use the cd-rw. I bought this as second hand and I don't have knowledge about the potentials of this unit. Tnx
Satellite TV
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I live in Ontario Canada and I have Bell Express Vu Satellite. I would like to know if I can take a Satellite Dish and my express vu receiver when I go camping and hook it up or do I need to buy a whole new system?
No sound, asus mother board built in sound card
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My comp plays no sounds. All drivers are installed and I have re installed them 2. Its well annoyin. Any help with this would be great. Thanks
SOUND problem
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Hi, I have a COMPAQ, W98 The problem is probably very simple & stupid: I don't get a sound: I see the CD disks are palying... but it's completely mute :(... checked all the hardware connections... they are OK... however I lost "sound" icon on the lower right hand corner... Any ideas what I... View more questions Search