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    kroger's Avatar
    kroger Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Oct 14, 2007, 08:19 AM
    Keyboard typing wrong characters
    When I try to type an apostrophe on my keyboard, I get è. When I try to type the quotation marks, I get È. When I try to type a back slash, I get é. When I try to type a question mark, I get É. When I try to type the left square bracket I get nothing, but when I press it a second time, I get ^^. When I try to type the right square bracket, I get ç. When I try to type the forward slash, I get à.

    I have tried changing keyboards, but have the same problems. Please help me!:confused:
    retsoksirhc's Avatar
    retsoksirhc Posts: 912, Reputation: 71
    Senior Member

    Oct 14, 2007, 01:16 PM
    Sounds like you might have a different input language set...

    Try Control Panel > Regional and Language Options, Languages tab, and the Details button under Text Services and Input languages. Make sure it's set correctly (I'll assume US English, but it should be set to whatever type of keyboard you have)

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