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At bed time my bed and my blankets move and this stuff is scaring me.
[ 3 Answers ]
When I go to bed before I even think of going to sleep my mattress feels like someone is sitting their and that goes all around the bed. And now my blankets feel like they are moving and tugging. I have had my house bless and my bedroom. But I think it's gone 3 nights later it's back and stronger...
Is it normal to wake up on the opposite side of the bed that I fell asleep on?
[ 4 Answers ]
I for the past few weeks I have been falling asleep on one side of the bed and waking up on the other. I was wondering if that is a sign of bad sleep and what causes it. Is it a bad thing?
My son fell yesterday on his back, he fell on hardwood floor not from big height and
[ 5 Answers ]
My son fell yesterday on his back, he fell on hardwood floor not from big height and there doesn't seem to be any external brusing. He is playing and laughing with us but every time we pick him up he cries like it seems to be sore under his arms but he fell on his back so I don't know what to do... View more questions Search