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Toshiba Laptop Bios Password
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Hey all, I had my friend setup a Bios password on my Toshiba Satellite Pro laptop yesterday, and I lost the piece of paper he wrote the password on. When I asked him what he set it up as he said he forgot. We've been trying all sorts of things it could be, but no success. I use my laptop for my...
Toshiba Laptop Backlight get dark
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Hi, My Laptop: Toshiba Satellite 1115 - S103 Backlight get dark even I've already tried to adjust the brightness to max. light but it is still dark. I connected an external monitor to my Laptop then it displays normal (very bright). I've heard from friends that the inverter (what's this?) is...
Cd-rom drive is busy
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Greetings! I try to install from a cd and get the following message "cd-rom drive is busy, close all other programs and try again (sometimes it helps to eject the disk and reinsert it)" The cd is working properly on other pcs.Any help is welcome!
Toshiba Satellite Pro Sound Problem
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I'm having a problem with a Toshiba Satellite Pro A10 laptop. The sound works fine through earphones or external speakers but here is no sound coming from the built in Titanium speakers. I've heard somewhere that this may due to a joint breaking on the headset jack socket, can anyone shed any...
Toshiba Laptop BIOS Password Cracker
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Hi Everyone, I have Toshiba Satellite 1800 Laptop. The Laptop has a BIOS password that I didn't know. When my company bought it for me it was set by a password. No one knows what the password is. Could you please Help me on this. I've tried a lot including resetin by using the parellel port.... View more questions Search