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Power supply issues Apple Power Mac G4 dual 1.25 MDD
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I disconnected the power cord on a G4 MDD dual 1.25 to reset the firewire ports and now the unit will not power on. When I push the power button it flashes on for a sec and then nothing happens. I tried doing a SMU reset and a different power cord to no avail. I have had this unit for about 6-7...
16V ~1000ma power supply to power an aplliance that requires a 14V ~800ma help?
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Can I use 16V ~1000ma power supply to power an aplliance that requires a 14V ~800ma power supply nomally? I have been told that it should be possible and not create any problems. Please help the lead I require will not be here in time and I need something to do the job immidieately! Thank you for...
Need Power Supply Voltage for HP 2311x Monitor
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Someone gave me an HP 2311x Monitor (a new model) missing the external switching power supply. I'd like to replace it with a generic (due to the high cost of purchasing it from HP), but all I can find out is the power consumption of the monitor (33w). I have Googled this every way I can think...
Power Supply Voltage
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Is it fine to set 230v on power supply in US?
Why do we get low voltage power supply?
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In India, appliances are 220 volts enabled. However, many Electricity Boards often provide mains power at less than 220 volts. What are the possible reasons? Is it because of technical inefficiency? On the consumer end, if the "actual load" is higher than the "connected load" (as shown by the... View more questions Search