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Blue Screen of Death on Compaq Evo
[ 5 Answers ]
On my compaq evo n400c laptop I just installed windows XP PRO. It boots up fine everything works then at random times the blue screen of death comes up. The really strange thing is it's random driver files that it displayes. And sometimes there's no driver at all. It will say the big long thing...
ATIdrab.dll 'Blue-Screen'
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From time to time I get this 'Blue-Screen' error which points to this DLL associated with my laptop's (DELL Latitude CPx w/Pentium 3 processor and 320 MB RAM) video system. I've tried BOTH ATI's and DELL's websites, to no avail. ATI refers me to DELL and DELL insists that I find some cryptic...
Please help... Blue screen of death!
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Yes, I have had the blue screen of death for a few months now. I have tried numerous stupid things but they don't seem to work It hadn't happened for a few weeks until today, it happened again. I have the error reports for it if that helps. Is there anyting I can do?
Blue screen of death
[ 4 Answers ]
got a friend with this problem any ideas to resolve it ERROR 0x00000024 NTFS.SYS and it says... check the disk with CHDSK /F to repair the problem... but I can't because I can't access to anything to do a CHKDSK... :) View more questions Search