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    kaylamc's Avatar
    kaylamc Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 9, 2009, 04:23 AM
    Sanskrit translation
    I would like friends translated into sanskrit for a tattoo. Can anyone help please?
    Clough's Avatar
    Clough Posts: 26,677, Reputation: 1649
    Uber Member

    May 9, 2009, 06:34 PM

    Hi, kaylamc!

    I seem to have had some reasonably good success using the following site. Sanskrit Dictionary for Spoken Sanskrit I do wish that we had a designated expert here in translating words, names and phrases into Sanskrit. However, every once in awhile, there are a couple of people that show up who really know their stuff about translating written names, words and sentences from other languages into the written Sanskrit. Hopefully, someone like that will come along and notice your post.

    You may have to try the site above in the different ways that are available and maybe also try some things that are suggested on it in order for you to be successful.

    There is also another site that you could try. It would be the following one. Free Online Translations to Sanskrit, Hindi & Marathi for Tattoos, Names & Sentences

    I think that the guy that runs it is the same one that comes around here, now and then, to answer very finely concerning questions like the one that you have.

    It's my understanding, that there is also a way to contact people on either site to get help.

    Since this is for something that's permanent, I would suggest also getting more than one opinion concerning the translation.


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