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Sanskrit Translation, is it correct?
[ 3 Answers ]
I currently had a name translated and would like to know if the translation is correct, I added it as an attachment. But the name is Morgan Rae (pronounced 'mȯr-gən ˈrā). I would also like to know if someone here could translate "Forever in my heart, Forever in my soul" in Sanskrit for me...
English to Sanskrit translation
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi, I've been trying to find a translation for the following: There is only one success--to be able to spend your life in your own way. And Live your own life, for you will die your own death.
English to Sanskrit translation
[ 13 Answers ]
Hi- I am wondering if anyone knows the translation into Sanskrit characters for the phrase "Sarvam tam paradat yah anyatra atmanah sarvam veda" (that which you are will come to you, that which you are not will run from you) which comes from the Brahma Sutras. Thanks.
English to sanskrit translation
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Can someone translate this for me: I'd rather die like a lion than live like a View more questions Search