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Do Jews celebrate birthdays?
[ 13 Answers ]
My son's birthday is coming up and his best friend is Jewish. Would it be appropriate to invite him to my son's birthday party? I can call it a play date and not sing happy birthday (he doesn't want a cake anyway).
Orthodox Jews and Physical Fitness
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Is there some reason in Jewish religious books that prohibits male Orthodox Jews from participating in promoting their physical fitness--sports, exercise, walking, whatever?? Is it against their God's law?
A questions for true Jews only!
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Why do the Jewish people not accept Jesus as the Messiah like Christian people do? I want real Jewish people to answer this one so I get the correct perspective on this. Thank you.
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Why don't Jews celebrate Christmas? And what festival do they celebrate in December? And what's that festival about? From Cocopops2311
Young Jews and the state of Israel
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Hello lanzmen: I read where HALF of American Jews under the age of 35 don't feel a kinship toward the state of Israel. They couldn't care much whether it got destroyed or not. To those of you who DO feel that connection, you understand how troubling this news is. I suppose this was to be... View more questions Search